Practice Questions


Write a Python function that finds the minimum of three numbers. It should take three numbers as input and then return the smallest.


In mathematics the factorial of a number is denoted by

\[n! = n\cdot(n-1)\cdot(n-2)\cdot(n-3)\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot3\cdot2\cdot1\]

For example,

5! = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120

10! = 10 * 9 * 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 3628800

Both 1! and 0! are defined to be 1 so those are special cases you can handle. Write a function that takes any integer greater than or equal to 0 as input and then returns the factorial. That is, it multiplies the number by all the numbers before it like the examples above.


Try the question first before revealing the hint.

def factorial(n):
    if n == 0 or n == 1:
        return 1
    result = 1
    # Then use a loop and range that does:
    # result = 2 * result
    # result = 3 * result
    # result = 4 * result
    # and so on.
    return result


Create a function called find_twos which takes a list of numbers as input. The function should return another list of all the indexes/positions where the number 2 is in the input list. If the number 2 is not in the input list then the function should return an empty list.

For example:

find_twos([1,3,-19]) should return [].

find_twos([1,2,4]) should return [1].

find_twos([2,2,2]) should return [0,1,2].

find_twos([1,6,8,2,9,0,5,2]) should return [3,7].

You should use the enumerate function.


Try the question first before revealing the hint.

def find_twos(numbers):
    result = []
    if 2 not in numbers:
        return result
        # use for loop and enumerate to loop over numbers
        # and check if the number is 2.
        # If it is, append the position to result.
    return result


Define a function, sum_and_round, which takes a list of floats as input and adds all the numbers together and returns the result rounded with 2 decimal places. Use the built in functions sum and round. For example:

sum_and_round([1.2353, 7.532, 7.532, 8.9, 9.654]) should return 34.85


Consider the function

def do_stuff(a, b, c):
    return a * b * c - a - c + b

a) Call the function using only positional arguments.

b) Call the function using only keyword arguments.

c) Call the function using a mix of positional and keyword arguments.

d) Redefine the function and give default argument for a,b,c. Then call the function without providing any arguments so that the default arguments are used.


Consider the following code.

x = 5
def my_func(a=1):
    x = 19
    return a + x

If you were to run the above code and then use print(x) what would be the value printed?


Write a function get_seconds that takes two arguments hours and minutes and converts them both to seconds and adds the result and returns it. For example,

get_seconds(hours=1,minutes=0) should return 3600

get_seconds(hours=0,minutes=1) should return 60

get_seconds(hours=0,minutes=0) should return 0

get_seconds(hours=10,minutes=48) should return 38880

get_seconds() should return 0 so be sure to use default arguments to achieve this.